
Urban Legends

Urban legends are stories that are told from generation to generation. They are modern folklore consisting of stories that do not always have truths to them and their meaning can change throughout time.  There is always a compelling appeal to the stories because they always have elements of mystery to them. Having visited many cities one story, shoes hanging from power lines, has always been intriguing due to its lack of a definitive truth. What is the significance of them, why are they hung over power lines and who put them there?

This is a photographic investigation documenting shoes that have been strewn over power lines. The space and location around the shoes have some ambiguity, showing no landmarks or distinguishable features, giving the impression that these images could be made anywhere in the world. There are many different urban legends about shoes hanging from power lines telling any number of stories, but what truths can be pulled out of these stories and what is their origin?