Film is not Dead...Yet!
Film is not dead!
This is quite the statement in this largely digital world but I say it loud and with confidence echoing through my words, film is not dead. Since the early nineties digital cameras have invaded homes everywhere and incidentally began the downfall of film and professional photographers. Every person with a digital SLR is now called upon to take photos at wedding, graduations and important events in peoples lives.
Don't get me wrong digital cameras are a wonderful thing and a great advancement to photography. It gives the ability to take an image and share it almost instantly with friends and family but it also devalues the work of professional photographers.
This is where I believe professionals can separate themselves from the gigantic pool of people who have access to a digital camera. The use of film is a dying art and fewer people know how to properly expose film. Systems put in place like the Zone System, composition and Photoshop or Lightroom has replaced push and pulling.
This is the reason I decided to make the switch back to film. The quality and colors out weigh everything that can come from a digital camera…let me take a step back, because I know I’ll get shit for that statement. Without manipulation images from a negative are better than a digital image.
Let’s look:
Unprocessed Digital Image using Nikon D300 with Nikkor 24-70mm F2.8
Unprocessed Film Image using Mamiya 645 with a 55mm F2.8 and Kodak Portra 160
Which seems like the better image to you? Let's hear it.